Sunday, March 21, 2010


So I come from Southern California witch is probably the BIGGEST avocado place in the United States. You can find them everywhere anytime. Just walking on the street and there are people selling them. The thing is that I never paid any attention to them. I would eat the avocado sauce with my tacos but that was only because it was green and I thought it would make the taco more healthy. Other then that they were just this icky green vegetable that I never liked.

Well that has changes. I don’t know what has change the appeal for the avocados in Kenya but I just can’t get enough of them. I eat them ALL the time. The problem is buying them in season. They are starting to be found more easily because they are in season now but later I don’t know what I am going to do because it has become an obsession. I NEED my avocados, lol.

Other then that I think this past month I have eaten more bananas then I have in my whole life. They are also in season now and seem to be the only fruit available. Needless to say I have been making lots of banana pancakes and bread. Yummy Yummy Yummy!!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Kids.....

I absolutely love my kids and my school but sometimes they drive me crazy (in a good way). For example they have all of these superstitions. This includes resting your chin on your hand, crossing your arms and putting your hands on top of your head. They think that if you do this you will die. I have tried explaining to them that this is just not true but they do not listen to me. All the time they catch me doing something and they continuously scold me for doing it because they are worried that I will die.

Anyway, I am kept very busy. I get up at 6am to take the kids running. We run up and down this very big hill. I would estimate that round trip it is around 3 miles. This takes us until 7am. Then between 7-8 it is time to bath, clean and get ready for school.

At 8 I start my 3min. walk to school and make it in time for assembly. Then from 8-3:10 I am at school teaching and working with the kids. I teach 8th grade English, 7th grade Kenyan Sign Language, and 5th grade Math/P.E./Art.

At 3:10 I then tell all of the kids to change cloths and we go running agin. I tell you by the end of these two years I am going to be in the best shape of my life. We run until around 5:30. Then we all go and bath, wash cloths, and get ready for dinner. Dinner is then served around 6-6:30.

At 7 all the kids go to school to study until 9pm. I sometimes go to help but usually I am to exhausted and need the two hours to recuperate.

Then at 9pm I go back to the girls dormitory and make sure they all are getting ready for bed. At 10 it is lights out. I have been sleeping at the girls dormitory because of the early hour we have to get up to go running. Everything is going great and I am loving the simple way life is here.